Tuesday, September 16, 2008







奥运赛场首次奏起新加坡国歌 叶品秀摘得首枚残奥金牌







Monday, September 15, 2008




  这是叶品秀在残奥会获得的第二个奖牌。在上个星期六举行的女子50米自由泳-S3赛中,叶品秀也为我国取得历史上首枚残奥银牌,并在该预赛中游出57秒04的新世界纪录。 她目前也是100米仰泳的世界纪录保持者,


 ●08年5月,叶品秀在德国的游泳锦标赛中报捷,在100米仰泳中创世界纪录,时间2分8秒09,打破德国选手Annke Conradi过去8年来的纪律。







预赛曾破世界纪录 小泳将叶品秀为我国夺首枚残奥银牌




明天50米仰泳 叶品秀要夺金


拥有两项世界纪录 16岁泳手叶品秀有望夺残奥会奖牌



泳将吴蕊思 要赢至少一奖牌

Saturday, May 31, 2008



Wednesday, January 23, 2008







Wednesday, January 16, 2008









Saturday, January 05, 2008




Tuesday, January 01, 2008





转换频道,五频道倒数活动,为什么新年倒数活动时要唱Auld Lang Syne?


* "Auld Lang Syne" literally means "old long ago," or simply, "the good old days".

Saturday, November 24, 2007






Thursday, November 08, 2007



Monday, October 29, 2007

Get Busy... ... I'm a workaholic


Still Busy

Really busy... ... the other two only posing... ...

The best way to stopping missing someone is to keep yourself busy. It works perfectly well for me... ... for today. The MLS course is coming to an end, 4 more days, and it's back to school. Hooray! Meanwhile I'm really busy with the curriculum project. Thursday-the BIG day to present to the panel.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Goodbye... ... Mrs Rathi

Photo taken by Ng WN

Farewell to Mrs Rathi... ...
A Principal who has made a difference in my life... ...
I really don't know what to say... ...
But I also don't want to hide that I have been tearing... ...
And I didn't know farewell can be so painful... ...
A parent said that Mrs Rathi is very lucky because she has so many staff crying for her... ...
This says very much of a Principal... ... doesn't it?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Greatest Love Of All

Greatest Love Of All
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
I remember that in 2001, during the induction programme we attended at NIE before we were posted to school, this was the song played during one of the sessions, and we had to stand and sing together. Till today, whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of my own mission and vision in teaching, more than anything else... ...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007






  可是,与其抱怨华文难教、学生难教,华文老师做了些什么?2004年华文教改,你有跟着改吗?学生现在顶多只是说“I hate Chinese”,千万不要有学生对你说“I hate Chinese teacher”的那么一天。




Tuesday, September 18, 2007




刘老师,你知道吗,南初现任院长郭毓川是我在安德逊中学求学时期的校长。我也可以很一厢情愿地认为这是一种精神上的延续,但我觉得治校者是不会想到延续之前的某种“精神”或“情怀”,而是根据现有的环境、资源等其他因素来管理学校。南初始终是南初,不会是安中,也不会是先初。(郭毓川校长之前担任先驱初级学院的院长) 更不会是……

Friday, September 07, 2007



Thursday, September 06, 2007



一人一半 感情不散
一人一素故 感情才会久
时光累计 安静的泪滴
一心去追 爱那么可贵
这样的人 这样地等
为爱翻滚 不计伤痕
这样的人 别笑我蠢
傻傻的 心痛也不觉疼
就算天冷 就算残忍
已经找到爱 为何要离开

Sunday, September 02, 2007





Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Teachers' Day

Friday, August 31, 2007












Sunday, August 19, 2007


MLS = Must Learn Slowly
MLS = Must Leave School

I can't believe I'm still up at this hour... ...
I 'm whacking up my assignments... ...

Deadline: 21 Aug 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Teacher Heartbeat

I think I have the teacher heartbeat since young, knowingly or unknowingly.

I already knew that I would be a teacher since young, at the age of 5, when I entered kindergarten. And I wanted to be a Chinese Language teacher. It seemed kind of easy when you already mapped out what you want to do at a young age, and you just choose the path of studies accordingly.

My reason to be a teacher then was simple: it's an instinct, I just want to teach, and I love the language. Teaching to me then was not defined as making a difference in our students' life, imparting knowledge and inculcating the right values to them. But today it has to be.

My teacher heartbeat grows, because I have teachers who inspire.

I was very fortunate in all my schooling years as I have very good teachers whom I really admired and respect. I salute all my teachers who have taught me. They made me love the subject they were teaching (or rather I love them more) and I was very inspired to follow their footsteps.

Reality hit me - I raced against my own heartbeat.

Like many young and naïve teachers, I entered the teaching profession full of passion, dreams, enthusiasm and ready to make a difference in my students' lives. I was posted to a neighbourhood school, and received a cultural shock because I never knew such students existed and I almost wanted to transfer to an independent school which I knew there were vacancies.

It was tough coping, and I was helpless, and there was not much support given to new teachers. (That's why I make sure I give enough support to new teachers who just joined the school now.) As I joined the school in semester 2, I had to take over classes from teachers who had left and played the role of a stepmother. Things were messy and I hated to clear up.

Nevertheless, I stayed on. Why? The teacher heartbeat. I always hold on to my belief: I want to be a good teacher. I believed things will get better, and true enough, it did. I looked forward to a new year, where I set the tone right at the start. I was a happy teacher, I explored new teaching pedagogies, strategies... ... And I didn't know I'm actually doing things right, because later I realized that what I have been doing are in line with MOE's directives of I & E, TLLM... ... but nobody in the school told me this.

My idea was just to teach. The teacher heartbeat made me willing to try out new initiatives, to explore different pedagogies, to experiment with different teaching strategies. I was very happy when my students not only achieved results but also love the subject and... ... love me! With the teacher heartbeat, I enjoyed building good relationship with my students. I grew with them.

However, I was still hit by reality. Meetings, deadlines, administrative work, committee meetings, projects, CCA, SEM, difficult parents, MSG... ...

Things could have been better if the leaders walked with us, but we walked alone. Things could also have been better if there was the culture of sharing. I could handle much of these, but at the expense of lesson preparation and the piles of marking. I just wished I had more time, and I was worried for myself that I would get burnt out and become disillusioned. However, I am still determined to make the difference, and I know that I can. Teaching is a childhood ambition.

I questioned my own heartbeat.

Soon, I found myself asking these questions: What am I doing? Am I teaching the children? Or am I teaching the subject? Remember why I become a teacher in the first place? Because I know I can make an impact on someone's life by my actions. I can make the difference. But was I?

The worst thing to happen then was politics. I didn't want to be involved in any politics, but somehow it was unavoidable. Just as drinking coffee gives me heart palpitation, all these politics made my heartbeat softer.

My heartbeat nearly died.

My heartbeat nearly died, I became very fearful of school politics, but I still persevered, because of the teacher heartbeat, and it was my students who kept me going. But the heartbeat became softer and softer as politics worsened... ...

I revived my own heartbeat.

I knew I could not stay on in the same environment anymore. I had to move on. I wanted to have more exposure, more challenges, I do not want to disappoint the people around me, and I do not want to give up my dream – to be a good teacher.

The then faint heartbeat I had was still the teacher heartbeat. It was this heartbeat that kept me going in times when I didn't feel appreciated, when I felt hurt. This is the heartbeat to ensure that the passion will continue burning.

The heartbeat continues... ...

Teaching is more than just a job. The teacher heartbeat is not just about making a difference to students' life and moulding their future. It is not just about engaging the heart and mind of our students. It is not just the passion to teach. There is no one description for it.

Today, I am still a teacher, but it's just that I have taken a greater role to be a HOD. The teacher heartbeat is still the very essence that will make a good HOD.

There are things that I miss after I became a HOD, such as not having a form class of my own, or a CCA. The power of the form teacher and the rapport that she can create cannot be underestimated. I still enjoy preparing lessons, and enjoy the moments in class, but at the same time I am aware of the greater responsibility I am shouldering now as a HOD. The decisions made will have a greater impact on the students.

In our continued journey as a teacher, we may experience heartache or heart attack, but I believe that we can overcome any adversity with strong mental will. We also need to be more aware of our own heartbeat. From time to time, we need to recharge and strengthen the heartbeat. We need to constantly and consciously reignite the spark.

Till the day I rest, I know that the teacher heartbeat will continue in me.

My heartbeat continues, but what about the rest?

"To lead teachers, we must not lose the teacher heartbeat." (Ng Pak Tee) Yes, I'm glad my heart is still beating, but I think it's more than not losing my own teacher heartbeat, but also how to revive others heartbeat, so that they find it meaningful to stay in this profession and continue to give, if teaching is about giving and making a difference to the lives of our youths.

We often talk about addressing the needs of students, but what about addressing the needs of our own teachers? They are humans too, though they are adults. We need to also address the teachers' needs, their fear, their concern. Addressing the needs of the teachers is not just having the Staff Welfare Committee organizing activities, providing lunch during long meetings... ... I think it requires leaders who are able to empathize with the teachers and genuinely show care and concern for them, support the teachers, work with the teachers, walk with the teachers... ... and eventually win over the hearts of the teachers.

I must admit that when I started to lead the department in 2005, it was difficult for me to even think of addressing the needs of the teachers, as I was managing my own needs and trying to adapt to the new environment, the new job scope within the shortest period of time. Being young, I think I was too task oriented and not very sensitive and seemed to have neglected the needs of my own teachers, especially the more senior ones. I was unable to understand why they were hesitant to use IT, why they could not keep to deadlines, why they needed reminders to things that were already spelt out on paper, why they could not set original papers and had to lift from assessment books, why they were resistant to new initiatives... ... I used my own standard to judge.

The teachers had lived in the era of another HOD, and thought that they could still live with it. But society is changing, social and economic situations change so rapidly that education is also continually evolving to meet these changes. The whole education landscape has changed and it is difficult for teachers to play catching up, if they choose to remain in their comfort zone. I think at that time our heartbeats were beating at a different rate. Perhaps theirs were beating slower and I had unconsciously wanted theirs to beat faster. I think the frustration was mutual then and I knew I was losing some of them, because they wrote in for early retirement. However later I also realized that there are teachers who appreciate my joining in and perhaps these are the teachers who still have the teacher heartbeat and want to keep their heartbeat alive.

As a HOD, I cannot synchronize everybody's heartbeat, and I think I would never want to. Our hearts beat at different pace and we have to accept that. We just have to keep each other's heartbeat going steady, stable and strong.

The Boomerang

Once during assembly, the Principal talked about the Boomerang when she addressed the students.

The Boomerang

Whether you realize it or not, you are throwing the boomerang today. As you know, a boomerang is an angular club you toss away from you that eventually returns to you.

In the game of life, you throw the boomerang daily, in the form of actions and behaviors that you send out into the world, and which return to you at some later date — often multiplied on the rebound.

As I listened to her, I was trying to put it into context. Indeed, we throw many boomerangs daily, not just positive ones but also negative ones. Before we ask ourselves what boomerangs we want to receive, perhaps we can ask ourselves what boomerangs we have been throwing. Do we throw negative boomerangs at each other? If so, what happens?

It will certainly affect relationship. Our behaviour has an impact on others, as how we treat people will affect how they respond back to us. Many of the boomerangs that we receive are the same ones that we have thrown earlier.

As human beings, we sometimes have the eye for an eye type of mentality. Recall the times when you threw negative boomerangs at each other. Didn't it create more unpleasant situations?

We must be aware of the boomerangs that we throw, so as to build quality relationship. Understand yourself, know your own emotion, identify your own behaviour. "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." (Gandhi)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Saturday, July 28, 2007







Tuesday, July 24, 2007






Saturday, July 21, 2007

I read and I read... ...

I have been reading and reading, I think I'm losing my just recovered man-made perfect eyesight soon... ...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Jenga – An interesting metaphor

Have you played Jenga before? I love to play with my niece (We play UNO Stacko instead), and we always look forward to it collapsing.

Did it occur to you that a Jenga set is like an organization, where it can look solid from the outside, but actually not so. Every piece looks like it has a place within the organization, where each piece forms the structure of it.

There are pieces which don't serve any function where they are basically not contributing. They are not supporting anything, but yet sitting on top of other pieces. They can even be a burden to those above / below them. Doesn't this sound familiar in any organization? These are the loose ones which can be easily removed, and some actually form the foundation of the tower. Yes, you think that they are the pillar of support, but they can still be removed. These pieces don't even have an impact on the structure.

The structure is still in place even with these pieces taken out.

Are these pieces redundant then? Are these pieces Grade D then? What do we do to the pieces after we remove them? We re-stack! We try to put them on top, and put other pieces on top of them, and soon these pieces serve their function. Can we do this to the D graders in the organization, or rather the people who are sitting in between aimlessly? Instead of seeing them as pieces who are not contributing but rather sapping the organization of its resources and energy, can we re-deploy them so that they can show their worth and serve the organization better? We should tap on their strength so that they can also provide support and growth within the organization.

But re-stacking is not just increasing height. The structure can be taller, but not necessarily more stable. Moving requires more strategic thinking. What is the objective of removing the loose piece if it hinders the progress of the organization rather than supporting it? Moving doesn't solely depend on the cause and effect theory. In reality it involves more other complex factors. Without considering all the other connections, the actions taken to remove the loose pieces may prove ineffective or disastrous to the organization.

On the other hand, there are some pieces crucial to the organization. Once you remove them, the whole tower collapses, but this is not healthy at all. These pieces are not stable themselves. Different tasks always land on the shoulders of the same pool of teachers. If these are the pieces supporting the structure, they should not be overloaded or else they might break.

Jenga is a game of skill. Just like you need skills to increase the height of it and making sure it doesn't collapse, you need skills to run an organization. I'm still learning... ...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Driving vs Leadership

I have always liked driving, the only problem is I have a poor sense of direction, and I can't read the street directory. But I still drive, why not? Don't ask me to install GPS, it will only make you dumber.

I have always associated driving with leadership. What would you choose as the most important value/values of a leader? Integrity? Humility? Resilience? I would think it's COURAGE.

It takes a lot of courage to drive, just as it takes a lot of courage to be a leader. It's not like you don't know what is on the road, in fact you know what it's like on the road, there is traffic jam somewhere at times, accidents might occur, there are different routes but all seem to be interconnected, you lose your way and you panic and get frantic but nevertheless, somehow you would manage to find your way except that you take a longer time to reach, you get sandwiched between vehicles, you pay a price (ERP lah!) if you do not plan your time well, you meet people driving the same car as you and of course there are different cars (some bigger), some drivers honk at you (or worse point their finger, I leave it to your imagination which one), some cross your path without signalling, P plate drivers tend to be bullied (they assume P plate drivers are kayu), at times you slow down and of course you try to speed but still follow law, and drivers drive with a direction in mind, though there are exceptional.

How about leadership? You know why you choose to lead. You have a vision for your department and for the school. There are people who share the same vision as you, but not all, they may have a bigger agenda. The journey of leadership is never smooth, there are hiccups now and then, but somehow these can be overcome with support and guidance. You feel frustrated sometimes and you just lose your patience. Being the middle manager, you may find yourself caught in between the principal and the teachers. As a young and new HOD, it may take a longer time to be accepted and affirmed. However, if we are courageous to embark on this leadership journey, we should have what it takes to be a leader.

Driving comes with good practice. You practised on the road, you practised in the circuit, you passed your test and you got the licence to drive. Leadership is the reverse. You are appointed HOD, then you practise, and you learn on the job. I have learnt to drive a car, now I must learn to drive my department in the right direction. I passed my driving only at the second test, as I failed the first time I took the test. Can I afford to fail in leading as well? Frankly speaking I'm scared of failing. I have taken up the post without a licence to drive first and I'm scared of not able to steer the department well.

However, I'm still glad I started driving "young", and took up the challenge then. Youth does have its advantage. Other than being more gung-ho, recovery is faster in any sense when you are hurt. However, it takes time to know the roads well in Singapore, and you need wisdom for this, just like in leadership. There are things that I learn while driving. I learn I must give way to traffic police and ambulance, how to give way to them, when to change lanes, how to change lanes, how to be a polite driver, how to stay focused during traffic jams... ... The same goes for being a leader. Learn to compromise, stay focused, know what to anticipate, be understanding and compassionate... ... Most of us are not born drivers. We learn as we drive. Currently I'm still learning how to be a leader with a good sense of direction, to be a leader whom people can follow with ease and feel safe and not afraid of getting lost.

What is leadership then? I think it's very difficult to define and explain leadership. "Leaders don't inflict pain; they bear pain." (Leadership is an Art, Max De Pree). In that case, I don't think I am a good leader, as I think I inflict pain on the other drivers. Sometimes, I refuse to give way, and I honk at others. I suppose it takes time and patience to be a gracious driver who respects other drivers on the road.

At times I would ask myself. Why did I choose to lead? Given another chance to choose, would I want to be a HOT (Happy and Ordinary Teacher)? Or still a HOD? Frankly speaking I really don't know, but I do know I still have the teacher heartbeat. I have been reading books on leadership and I think this is what fits me so far "... ... to be a leader is to enjoy the special privileges of complexity, of ambiguity, of diversity. But to be a leader means, especially, having the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who permit leaders to lead." (Leadership is an Art, Max De Pree) We have been engrossed in making a difference in students' lives, yet we seem to have forgotten that we need to also impact our teachers and make a difference in their lives too.

PS: Please do not ask about the car plate. It was a painful lesson!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

White Space

There is also white space in the timetable, the difference between white space in NIE and in school is, the former is really your own white space, you decide what you want to do with it. Shiok? No, I feel quite lost. Most of the time in school we tend to rush too fast, hence to slow down the pace seems quite weird, but aren't we always yearning for more free time?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finally can see the sun while driving... ...

Finally I can see the sun as I drove to NIE, with sunglasses, and when I drove back home, it was still BRIGHT and SUNNY. One of the changes in my life so far... ... and more to anticipate.

Monday, July 09, 2007


The first day of the MLS (Management and Leadership in Schools) programme, or you may call it Must Learn Slowly. I will be blogging very often, in English (yes, I remember I'm a Chinese teacher), but since I need to submit 2 journal entries every week, I might as well consolidate my thoughts here. Must study smart.

I suppose this would be a good time to take a break from the toils of school work and do deep reflection about personal direction and learn more about leadership and management. The 3 Rs that I'll be doing during these 17 weeks: Reflect. Recharge. READ.